Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Going to the Chapel

This is a pic of me and my fiance Jim. We're getting married this next March. we are both kinda goofy so it is perfect! One thing I want all you young ladies to note: We got engaged in May of 2005 and are getting married in March of 2006. Now how old are you? 12? 13? How old am I? If you read my profile it says 25! I was 24 when I got engaged and 23 when we started dating! So gals- don't get caught up in the love bug. Hey- I'm not knocking it, Jim is one of the biggest blessings I have ever gotten but I just don't want you to let your heart get away from your head. Be young, have fun, drink Pepsi- no, I mean you have time for that stuff later. There is absolutely no need to get in a relationship right now. The right guy will come along eventually, but give it time! Just be friends and learn to love God first!


Anonymous said...

Great Pictures of you two! Looks like a good match your both beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Ali, you are not only a beauty to look at, but your advice to the teens is awesome and true! Your a great role model!!!!

alisonofagun said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Ali!!!
you guys look so cute!!!!! i love your pictures!
they are awsome!

-abby d.

Anonymous said...

you and jim are sooooo cute. i hope that u have a wonderful life together.