Monday, November 28, 2005

Public Restrooms

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope everyone had a wonderful time with their families and stuffing their gut:)

I don't know how many people feel about this but I am very picky about public restrooms. I use that term to also include ones in restaurants, theaters, work, wherever- not just the ones that are provided by the city. I hate the one stall- the ones where it is just a room. You open door, hello potty, and that is it. I know that is the kind you have in homes but it is different in that you can usually tell when someone is in one. The ones out and about have big doors and you can't always tell when they are occupied. Like the one in the JH room- I never use it.

You know what it is- I'm afraid someone will barge in on me- weird I know. But I've had it happen and many times it has almost happened even more so I think my fears are validated.

I also don't like to touch the doorknobs leading out of the bathroom. Here's what I don't understand- why don't they make the way out the one you push and the way in the one you pull? That makes way more sense. Then people wouldn't open the door and hit the last person standing in line, in case of a fire everyone could exit quickly (you'd think it would be that way in the fire code actually- I might have to ask Tyler about that one) and people like me that don't want to touch the nastiness could easily push out the doors like surgeons do after the are prepped for surgery. It's not that I am a germaphobe- there are just way too many people that don't wash their hands- I don't understand why that is. Statistically men are worse at it then women but women do it too. Baffling.

So I will wait until I get home or walk further or whatever to find a bathroom I approve of. I have walked back out of a bathroom because I just couldn't go in there. One other thng that bothers me about bathrooms is when people have children that pop their heads under the stalls or the pinnacle of my restroom greivences, the person on the cell phone! Wow- that one drives me nuts. Its bad enough that they are talking on the phone while they are taking care of business, what I really can't stand is why they think that it wouldn't bother the person in the stall next to them to have their business blasted over the airwaves. Once I walked into the bathroom, walked into the stall, pulled out the little sheet thing and heard the person in the stall next to me answer their phone- aaahhhhh! I walked right out of there and I had to go really bad too but I waited at least a half an hour to make sure whomever it was had cleared out before I went back.

These pictures are real, by the way- they are a public restroom in some place like Amsterdam or something- I forget where. One is the view from the outside, the other from the inside. This one would definitely be on my list that I wouldn't use.

1 comment:

Nikibrownbear said...

Yeah! Why don't they make the doors that way for the restrooms? What a great idea! Especially for g. phobes!