Monday, November 21, 2005

Thanksgiving vacation

It is so crazy that everyone now gets the whole week of Thanksgiving off! You all are so lucky because that is pretty cool. I mean first you get this week and then Christmas vacation is not far behind! How awesome is that!

Back when I was in school (that statement made me feel really old) we only got the Thursday and Friday off. We might have had the Wednesday off too but I don't think so. I remember in my Algebra class in High School we had a full on Thanksgiving feast instead of doing algebra. It was great- we had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, pies- everything. We had so much food that the class couldn't finish it all. So even though I didn't get the week off like you guys- it wasn't usually too bad.

Well I hope everyone is having an awesome time off so far. Don't forget to sign up on a team for Pioneering tomorrow night! You definitely don't want to miss out on that- we have been working on it for awhile especially today and it is going to be incredible!!!

In the meantime- enjoy your time off and this funny, goofy picture:) I have an even better one in the holiday spirit for tomorrow so make sure you check back- you do not want to miss it!

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