Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ouch! I'm old!

Ok- So I know most of you are just entering the teen years so you got a little while before you experience this. You know you are starting to get old when your body falls apart at the dumbest things. Case in point: one of my roommates threw out her back bending over to pick up a CD, this morning I did the same to my neck rolling over to get out of my bed.

I don't know why but somehow things stop working doing the simplest little activites that you wouldn't think would hurt you. I mean I get out of bed every morning- usually without any problems but today wasn't my day. It really hurt and I couldn't move my head. I took a really hot shower to relax the muscles and I am going to the chiropractor in a bit to get myself cracked into shape, but its just weird sometimes how that happens.

I know the picture has absolutely nothing to do with this blog- I just thought it was funny. Look at how she put on her helmet- her face is poking out of the neck part! See it does relate- things happen, you get old, body parts break including your head. Just you wait jr highers- its coming for you too, give yourself about 10-15 years and you'll be like "Alison was right! How did she know?" I'm telling you, I just do.

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