Monday, November 07, 2005

Do you like Napoleon?

No I don't mean the little French dictator- I mean the movie Napoleon Dynamite. My finace sent me these pictures of 2 kiddos dressed up as Napoleon and Pedro for Halloween. They're pretty funny. It's weird when you think about how funny that movie really is. I mean there's this guy, who is kinda weird and has the randomest view of life. I think its the humor of the normal- we all can relate because at some point in our lives we have known each of the characters in the movie or we have been them ourselves and some of us have even been in the same kind of situations. The fantasy-loving, super draw-er, with the crazy hair and thick glasses, he sat next to me in science. The 'I coulda been a contender' older dude who wishes he were still in High School- I'm sure I'll see some at my high school reunion in a couple years. The shy girl next door who makes and sells little key chains, takes pictures, makes clothes- almost like she plays high school level make believe/ dress up- I think I am her sometimes. Anyway I definitely was one of the ones who in the theater was crying from laughing so hard when Napoleon dances in his friend Pedro's run for class president. It was flippin' hilarious! And yet there are good lessons to be learned from this movie- the value of friendship, the value of kindness and not judging others based on their apperance or "coolness" level, and lastly that the parents/adults in your little world can't ruin your life- but they can mess it up and make it seem miserable for you but somehow you'll be able to look back and laugh. Or at least make a movie out of it and make others laugh but then you'd make millions of dollars so I think you could laugh then.


Nikibrownbear said...

haha! I love it! You should write reviews. Cute pic too!

Nikibrownbear said...

I love Napolean. Especially this pic!