Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Owl City

I don't know if ya'll have heard of this band, they do the Firefly song, but I really dig them. The have a Death Cab for Cutie type feel, fairly mellow, a little whimsical sound. Anyway, what is super cool is that Owl city is mainstream but they are Christians. I am not knocking Christian music but it is so awesome when Christians are able to be "in" where there are non-Christians, you know so they can be a light without being annoying. Plus we are called to infiltrate not isolate ourselves from the fallen world. I saw this cool article about the lead guy from Owl City and I thought I'd share:)
I hope you can read it- I think if you click on it it will be bigger. If not you could always save it or copy it somewhere and then magnify.

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