Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Cool article

I subscribe to the Worth the Wait newsletter. They are a company that makes purity rings and when you buy one from them they will send you an email like once a month with a different little article about purity, or a question of the month- different things like that. Anyway, this was this months article and I thought it was pretty cool and I wanted to share it with you. Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions.

Purity Equal Happiness
"One of the biggest cultural problems of our society is that it makes no attempt to draw the line between how we act before we get married and how much success we eventually enjoy in marriage. The thing very few tell you is this: The way you conduct yourself before you get married will have a huge impact on your long-term happiness in marriage. Don't expect to have little discipline, ignore the future impact of your choices, and pray for a miracle after you say "I Do", and expect long-term happiness. It won't happen. The way you conduct yourself before you get married, the discipline you acquire, and your ability to look to the future instead of living for the moment will help to insure the kind of love story you desire and the happiness that will make life good. Abstinence/Purity is more than just not having sex before marriage. It is delaying sex until your marriage for the greater good, knowing that if you can wait, it's going to make you adult life less-complicated. Studies say that one in three married people in the United States is happily married. I really believe you are the generation to restore marriage and family to what God designed it to be, but this will only happen as we realize that purity equals happiness."

Now it doesn't mean the future will be perfect, you and your future husband are bot imperfect sinners but wouldn't you want to do all you could to set yourself up for success? If you knew a way to step around future heartache and pain wouldn't you want to go that way? You can't stop all pain or avoid all pain in your life but waiting until you get married is something you can control, that you can decide to do.

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