It's about whatever I am thinking about when I open it up to update. No plan, no idea what will show up- they are my 'thoughts for the day.' Although throughout the course of the day I think about more things then what appears on my blog, for those of you who were questioning my mental acuity.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Christmas is Coming
I went to Disneyland yesterday. I love Disneyland- I still feel the magic like I did when I was a kid. Anyway- I love the way they deck it out for the holidays- as if it wasn't magical enough! They also had this cool thing called "Candlelight"- I guess they have been doing it for 50 years but this was the first I had heard of it. There is this super huge choir with an amazing stage and awesome lighting (the picture below only shows one section of the choir- there are 2 more sections! One just like this one and one on risers shaped like a christmas tree). They sing selections from Handel's Messiah- which you may not recognize the name but I know you have heard some of the music, the Hallelujah Chorus is one you probably know. In between the songs a narrator tells the Christmas story. D-land only does this one weekend a year and last weekend happened to be it:) We had a great time! I can't believe Christmas is around the corner!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I like Turkey- Thanksgiving has the best food I think, of the traditional holiday fare. In fact what I really loved is stuffing- but it has to be stuffing that was cooked in the turkey. All stuffing is good but in the turkey stuffing is so much better:) I also love yams. Not to be confused with sweet potatoes, although those are good too, yams are the ones that are orange. I loved them steamed but probably mashed is my favorite. Mashed with cinnamon- ummm ummm good! My husband just got the recipe for yam casserole or something I forget what it is called but you mash the yams put them in 9x13 dish with pecans and some other ingredient that sounds absolutely delicious but I can't think of right now, then you bake them in the oven. It is going to be like a sweet potato/pecan pie casserole of goodness. Yum yum! So enjoy your Turkey Day and let me know what you are thankful for in the comments section. You dont' have to have a blog- just choose the "anonymous" one- type your name at the end though so I know who you are. I moderate my comments so it won't appear for a couple of days until I get a chance to check it:)
See you later!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My husband was born and raised in Steeler Country, Pittsburgh, PA. For the longest time I didn't realize there was a "h" at the end of Pittsburgh- it is silent. For Thanksgiving we are going out to visit his family out there- should be super fun except for the fact that it is freezing. It is supposed to be in the 20's when we arrive and during the week it is supposed to warm all the way up to the toasty temperature of 34! Ordinarily this wouldn't be that bad- I mean it is back east and it snows there. The problem is that it is so hot here! We will be going from shorts and flip flops to down jackets, beanies and woolen mittens! There is like a 50 degree differential!!! I am going to freeze!! Hopefully when I get back I will still have all my toes.
This is from Christmas time last year in the " 'Burgh"
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I have a problem
I must admit I have a serious problem with chocolate. I love it- I crave it- I am addicted. I have the same problem with cookies- it is worse actually with cookies, sometimes I can resist chocolate, but I have a much harder resisting cookies. Anyway, so we have Mounds in our office right now. It always makes me think of the catchy little jingle, "Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't" and "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." So Niki has a bag of Mounds in her desk. Unfortunately I am also aware of the fact that Niki has Mounds in her desk. They are delicious. I always think- oh I'll just have one- never happens. I don't think I ever eat just one. I was getting ready for TNL tonight and in the process of preparing my opener, I ate 3. Plus I had one earlier today as well. I just get sick if I eat too much candy but they are so good I feel my defenses weakening even now. Actually I am begining to feel sick so I will probably be able to resist for at least another hour or so. I have an awful memory so I am hoping that soon I will completely forget that they are even in her drawer. They aren't even my favorite candy! I would tell you what my favorite candy is but I am afraid in all of your kindness and good intentions you may bring me some and I would have to eat them- probably all at once, and I just can't let that happen:) I repeat- Mounds are not my favorite candy- please don't give me any!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dog Saves Cats!
I got this cute animal story from my friend Beth and you all probably know what a sucker I am for cute animal stories- if not just click on the "animal" label below and you'll see all my other animal tales. Anyway so this dog protected a litter of kittens- why, who knows:)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I think these are so cute! So ugly they are cute! I first saw them at summer camp this year- Chloe has one. My faves are Big Toe and Moxy- pictured here:) I even saw them at Aaron Brothers- they had little key chain ones. All JH students that are reading this are probably like "what is Aaron Bros.?" It is a framing store- they sell picture frames, prints, art and custom frames, definitely not a place you would expect to see Uglydolls.
So I was checking out games today and I found this fun one that reminds me of uglydolls. You have to get the "keys" into the slots at the bottom- anytime there are 2 (or more) of the same color next to eachother you click them and they dissappear. There are also mushrooms that change the color of all the little guys, skulls that block your action, and chompers that will eat the row or column they are facing- super fun! I finally got to level 16 when I was like- I gotta stop! It is really fun and really addicting!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cool thought of the day
Not mine but a good one for us all to remember. I thought it rather fitting since we are in our Morph series right now. I got this from my friend Beth.
Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of — throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.
--CS Lewis
--CS Lewis
Thursday, October 09, 2008
TSeries has begun and what a night it was!!! So much action, adventure, and cheering. Remember- it ain't over 'til it's over! In fact I think everyone might be suprised when they see what changes attendance scores can do. Do whatever you can to be there!!! You do not want to miss. Thanks to Cat for the pic!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Barlow Girl
Last Thursday, Makenna and her mom took me to Barlow Girl. They were incredible!!! The concert was in Oceanside and there were 2 artists on before them, Brooke Barrett-Smith and Jimmy Needham. I liked them both very much. But Barlow Girl themselves were so incredible, not only are they amazingly talented but they also have an awesome message. They put on a great show- you should all try to see them!!!
Here is a link to their website Barlow Girl
And here is a video of one of their songs from a concert
And another
enjoy and let me know what you think of them!!!
Here is a link to their website Barlow Girl
And here is a video of one of their songs from a concert
And another
enjoy and let me know what you think of them!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Dogs are Smart
So right now I don't have any pets. I have plants- which I also do not have a green thumb so me and plants are interesting. Why can I keep weeds alive and not other plants? Anyway- my parents have a dog and she was my dog too but I haven't lived there in like 5 years so she isn't really my dog- maybe more like my step-dog I visit on weekends and holidays. She is a sweet dog though, and loves people. Her name is Jacey and she is really smart. She has figured out how to open all the screen doors and has recently discovered how to open the slider so basically she can get in and out of the house whenever she wants if the doors aren't locked. Soon she will probably be able to turn a doorknob and run for president. Anyway- so I don't have a dog but I think dogs are cool- here is a video of another sweet dog.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Escape with paint!
I have been feeling very creative lately. I am working on this tree skirt thing- it involves a lot of sewing, beading, and embroidering- so that is pretty creative. Also I am working on making some costumes for Tournament Series- don't even ask, I am NOT telling you the theme! And lately I have really been feeling the need to paint. I don't know what to paint but I'm sure I'll think of something eventually:)
So you all know how I like online games and I like escape games and now you know I am feeling artistic so it just seems fitting that I should put up Escape Artist for you all to play:) You have to find pieces of a stained glass window to escape. It is fun and interactive and the music is pleasant- although I had to turn it off because it made it hard to think! Any way- Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Optical Illusions 6
This one is a bit tricky. It has to do with letters, numbers and patterns. I actually had no problem finding the ones you are looking for, they stood out to me but I bet it has to do with what type of a thinker you are and what side of the brain is more dominant. Let me know what you think:) I got this from my grandma.
The Eye Test
Can you find the B (there are 2 B's)
Once you've found the B Find the 1
Once you found the 1.............. Find the 6
Once you've found the 6... Find the N (it's hard!!)
Once you've found the N... Find the Q...
So how did you do?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hidden Mickey's
So a couple of months ago I was sitting on Pirates of the Carribean at Disneyland, minding my own business when I overheard the people sitting in front of me talking about hidden Mickeys. They were saying the the Disney folks hid a Mickey Mouse on every ride and that there was one on Pirates. They said where it was and sure enough- I saw it. Well I was hooked. I have become obsessed with finding hidden Mickeys. I found the one on Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain and I heard of ones on Indiana Jones and the Matterhorn. So I began spreading the word about supposedly hidden Mickeys on every ride. For my birthday, my mom found me this book called "Hidden Mickeys". Here is the link to the author's website Click here. Thing is- there are more then one Hidden Mickey on most rides and there are a bunch just around the park and in lines. Plus, I have heard of Hidden Mickey's not in the book as well. The book itslef list 170 hidden Mickeys. Anyway, so Jim and I ran around Disneyland and California Adventure finding Hidden Mickeys. I took some pictures and here they are. I have a lot more- if you want to see them send me your name and email address in the "comments" section- for JH and former JH students only.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Cutie cute cute
My friend Bridgette sent me this one. It is pretty adorable I have to admit. I think I want a puppy. Not right now but in the next year or so. I don't think we'll get a boxer- too big and too high energy but I have always liked beagles:) Who am I kidding, we'd probably go pick a mutt out of the pound. If I get a puppy I will have to try singing it to sleep- I wonder if it really works?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Optical Illusions 5
Continuing in this series, I got a sweet email from Jon C. We were on the bus on the way home from Sugarpine I think and somehow we got on the subject of optical illusions. I told them how cool I thought they were and that I have a bunch on my blog and he told me about this email he got. It is a picture of Albert Einstein but if you stand 15 feet away from your computer screen it will look like Marilyn Monroe! If you wear glasses- just take them off as you are sitting in front of your screen- same thing!
Go ahead, try it!
I don't know why or how this works. Do any of you? I mean obviously they have done something to the pic- softened some edges and I wonder if the color has anything to do with it? But I don't understand why it works- and I want to. Tell me your thoughts!
If you haven't seen my other optical illusion blogs make sure that you check them out by clicking on the label "optical illusions" listed below.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Yay! Summer Camp is here!!! This year I am headed out to Sugarpine. It is up near Yosemite and it is such a fun camp! This is a picture of me and Lisa from last time we were there. We are holding the brightly colored balls because we had just won the Bocce Ball Tournament!! That's right- we were the best team at the entire camp!!! Should be another fun summer this time around. So you don't get bored here is an incredible, amazing, relaxing and soothing game called 6 diffeences. Now I posted 5 differences before but this is a new version of the same game- all new pictures and animations- super sweet. Check it out!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
It is time for the next installment of my game series. I have some pretty sweet games on my blog- trust me, everyone thinks so. After you play this one you should click on the "games" label at the bottom and play all my games!
This is a game called Arachnophilia, which, if you know any latin roots, means "love of spiders". Ew, nasty! I hate spiders! When I lived with my parents, we had this massive pine tree right next to the house. All kinds of nasty spiders were attracted to it. And since it was so close to the house, these big, huge orange and grey spiders would build their webs in our eaves. This house had the front door upstairs with a big deck going around it so the eaves of the house were quite close. We would have to walk with you hands in front of us at night becasue these spiders would build their webds right at face level. I still freak out a bit just thinking about one of thise huge spiders landing in my hair or something.
But this game is pretty sweet- you get to be a spider, make a web and try to catch insects. It also has fun spider facts so you could say playing this game is educational as well as entertaining.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sometimes I like to post super cute pictures of fuzzy, adorable, baby animals. I know such a girly cliche' but even the toughest biker dude would have to admit these things are pretty cute. So I got this email from Cathreine (now in 9th grade) so I thought I would share:)
S ICHUAN , China -- One zoo in southwest China has its hands full with 16 baby pandas. The Sichuan Wolong Panda Protection and Breed Center is dealing with the results of a breeding boom -- 16 pandas have been born since July, 2006. The brood includes five sets of twins. The cubs are weighed and measured every five days (see pics)The heaviest tips the scale at just over 24 pounds, while the lightest weighs about 11 pounds. The pandas are due to stop suckling by February, 2007 just about the time they'll start learning to walk. Once weaned, the panda cubs will attend panda kindergarten.
I wonder, where are they now? Hmmmm.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's HOT!
Well I guess summer time is here. It has been gorgeous the last several days but today is the first time I would say it is really Hot! (except for that crazy heat wave we had in what, May? March?) Anyway, the office is kept quite chilly so my body almost goes into shock whenever I go in and out of the building. If I was off today, and spending most of the day outdoors, I think it would be so cool to have somthing like this to go play at: (you can click on the images to make them larger)
"If you like doing laps in the swimming pool, you might want to stock up on the energy drinks before diving in to this one. It is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115ft deep end and holds 66 million gallons of water. Yesterday the Guinness Book of Records named the vast pool beside the sea in Chile as the biggest in the world. But if you fancy splashing out on one of your own - and you have the space to accommodate it - then beware: This one took five years to build, cost nearly 1billion and the annual maintenance bill will be 2million. The man-made saltwater lagoon has been attracting huge crowds to the San Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, on Chile 's southern coast, si nce it opened last month. Its turquoise waters are so crystal clear that you can see the bottom even in the deep end. It dwarfs the world's second biggest pool, the Orthlieb - nicknamed the Big Splash - in Morocco , which is a mere 150 yards long and 100 yards wide. An Olympicsize pool measures some 50 yards by 25 yards. Chile's monster pool uses a computer- controlled suction and filtration system to keep fresh seawater in permanent circulation, drawing it in from the ocean at one end and pumping it out at the other. The sun warms the water to 26c, nine degrees warmer than the adjoining sea. Chilean biochemist Fernando Fischmann, whose Crystal Lagoons Corporation designed the pool, said advanced engineering meant his company could build 'an impressive artificial paradise' even in inhospitable areas.' As long as we have access to unlimited seawater, we can make it work, and it causes no damage to the ocean.' "
Ok- a couple of things. First- why on earth did they build a pool directly next to the ocean? Ok- in the article they explain that they use sea water but still. . .
"If you like doing laps in the swimming pool, you might want to stock up on the energy drinks before diving in to this one. It is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115ft deep end and holds 66 million gallons of water. Yesterday the Guinness Book of Records named the vast pool beside the sea in Chile as the biggest in the world. But if you fancy splashing out on one of your own - and you have the space to accommodate it - then beware: This one took five years to build, cost nearly 1billion and the annual maintenance bill will be 2million. The man-made saltwater lagoon has been attracting huge crowds to the San Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, on Chile 's southern coast, si nce it opened last month. Its turquoise waters are so crystal clear that you can see the bottom even in the deep end. It dwarfs the world's second biggest pool, the Orthlieb - nicknamed the Big Splash - in Morocco , which is a mere 150 yards long and 100 yards wide. An Olympicsize pool measures some 50 yards by 25 yards. Chile's monster pool uses a computer- controlled suction and filtration system to keep fresh seawater in permanent circulation, drawing it in from the ocean at one end and pumping it out at the other. The sun warms the water to 26c, nine degrees warmer than the adjoining sea. Chilean biochemist Fernando Fischmann, whose Crystal Lagoons Corporation designed the pool, said advanced engineering meant his company could build 'an impressive artificial paradise' even in inhospitable areas.' As long as we have access to unlimited seawater, we can make it work, and it causes no damage to the ocean.' "
Ok- a couple of things. First- why on earth did they build a pool directly next to the ocean? Ok- in the article they explain that they use sea water but still. . .
Then I guess you don't have to worry about sharks or jellyfish, or anything like that. Too bad it isn't just around the corner- I would love to visit it but I don't really see myself going to Chile anytime soon. Thanks to Hannah G. for submitting this email:)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Hello Goodbye
Wow- what a crazy time of year! It is so bittersweet. I mean here we are saying goodbye to a great group of students that we have gotten to know really well over the last 2 years and watched them grow and learn and change. So that is sad. And at the same time it is exciting to get a new group of students, little wee ones that we get to start the whole process over again with. So I find myself a little torn.
Goodbye 8th graders! You will be missed! I love visitors- you can always come back and see me anytime. Say plugged in in High School- it is different then JH but still really fun. Don't let the difference scare you away- if everything always stayed the same life would get so boring!
Hello 6th graders- soon to be 7th! I am really looking forward to getting to know you all- we are going to have a great time over the next 2 years!
I'll leave you and start you off with a fun game. It's called 5 differences. You have to search and find what is different between the 2 pictures. I thought it fitting since things are going to be different in the next few weeks but still super cool:)
Click here to play!
Goodbye 8th graders! You will be missed! I love visitors- you can always come back and see me anytime. Say plugged in in High School- it is different then JH but still really fun. Don't let the difference scare you away- if everything always stayed the same life would get so boring!
Hello 6th graders- soon to be 7th! I am really looking forward to getting to know you all- we are going to have a great time over the next 2 years!
I'll leave you and start you off with a fun game. It's called 5 differences. You have to search and find what is different between the 2 pictures. I thought it fitting since things are going to be different in the next few weeks but still super cool:)
Click here to play!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I know pretty much all of you students are too young to remember the advent of video games (the ones you could have inside your home and not have to go to the arcade) but for those of us that do, check out this sweet video!
Randomly I came across this video as I was searching for images to create a link for our newest video for the JH page and I just thought this was so cool! I was never super into Tetrus (I like Dr. Mario better) but this was pretty stinkin creative. Back in the time of complete 2D graphics with everything basically looking like a block. I still have my original Nintendo complete with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt, 2 controllers and the grey gun- before they switched it to red. I even have the game genie:) It is somewhere at my parents house but I should dig it out because I had a good number of games and it is still fun to play even though it doesn't hold a candle to what technology is capable of now. There was something kinda crazy about only a few kids on the whole block that had a video game system. Everyone would hang out there and you would hope to get a chance to take a turn playing something. Anyway- I hope you thought the video was cool:)
Randomly I came across this video as I was searching for images to create a link for our newest video for the JH page and I just thought this was so cool! I was never super into Tetrus (I like Dr. Mario better) but this was pretty stinkin creative. Back in the time of complete 2D graphics with everything basically looking like a block. I still have my original Nintendo complete with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt, 2 controllers and the grey gun- before they switched it to red. I even have the game genie:) It is somewhere at my parents house but I should dig it out because I had a good number of games and it is still fun to play even though it doesn't hold a candle to what technology is capable of now. There was something kinda crazy about only a few kids on the whole block that had a video game system. Everyone would hang out there and you would hope to get a chance to take a turn playing something. Anyway- I hope you thought the video was cool:)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Number 111
This is my one hundred and eleventh post! 111! Pretty neato I think:) Anyway I got this cute story from my gram. It is called "The Kiss"- click here to check it out!
After you read it, let me know what you think! Sign in and leave a comment if you have a blogger account, if you don't you can leave an anonymous one (just make sure you leave your name somewhere in your message so I know who you are). Comments don't appear right away- I have to release them, but I would love to hear from you and it will appear on my blog!
After you read it, let me know what you think! Sign in and leave a comment if you have a blogger account, if you don't you can leave an anonymous one (just make sure you leave your name somewhere in your message so I know who you are). Comments don't appear right away- I have to release them, but I would love to hear from you and it will appear on my blog!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Another Another Cool Dog
My husband's boss has a sweet dog. He is a boxer I think and they have kiddos so their backyard has this house-like playstructure and a trampoline. So the dog plays on all this stuff. He has this pattern that he runs and climbs over things, up over the roof of the play stucture and in general is kinda crazy.
Here is a video of another cool dog, another series of mine, click on the labels at he bottom to find the other one. I guess I have really nothing else to say except dogs are cool:)
Here is a video of another cool dog, another series of mine, click on the labels at he bottom to find the other one. I guess I have really nothing else to say except dogs are cool:)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It is time for a game!!!
I was noticing on my blog that it has been awhile since I had a game up:) I have been checking some out and I found a pretty sweet one. So if you have 15 minutes (I promise it will take no longer) and a calculator- you are set!!! By now I am sure you know how I like point and click- figure it out- puzzle games- I hope you enjoy this one too! When I finished I literally had seconds to go. Let me know how you do!
Click here to play The Package!
hint: for the keypad- the number 15 is good to know.
Let me know if you are stuck
One more thing- sometimes you need to click the refresh button to load the game.
Click here to play The Package!
hint: for the keypad- the number 15 is good to know.
Let me know if you are stuck
One more thing- sometimes you need to click the refresh button to load the game.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Electromagnetic Personality Disorder
I have this problem. You see I kill watches. I can't help it, it just happens. There doesn't seem to be much I can do, something in me just zaps the life out of watch batteries.
Seriously- I have maybe 8 watches, only one works. I talked about this like 2 years ago and at that time I had one working watch, well it went the way of the dodo but I got a new watch for Christmas that does work. I am wearing that one right now. Don't get me wrong- I still wear all the non-working ones, I figure they are more like fashion accessories then time pieces. I don't know what the deal is- why do they die on me? Most people say their watch batteries last a couple of years, at least 5 sometimes. I have yet to own a watch that makes it past the 1 year mark. My old- used-to-work watch made it a year and a couple of days- my longest record by far. I've tried cheap watches, expensive watches, silly watches, you name it- I still kill 'em.
The coolest watch I do have is a wind up watch. I don't count it as one of my working watches because it only works when I wind it up- otherwise it is like all the others. It's pretty neat though- they should make all watches that way, you know- wind up. When I told my mom that she was like "well they used to, duh." I got that watch from my Great Aunt- no it's not an heirloom piece, she got it in the 70's, but it's still pretty sweet. You can see it on the room of the month video we just did, and to the right- its the sparkly silver band that looks like a bracelet. Anyway, when I want to wear it I pull out the little stick on the side, set the time, push that back in then you twist it oh like 10 times and the watch starts ticking away. It lasts all day and it is one watch that I haven't killed because I can't- look ma, no batteries!
Seriously- I have maybe 8 watches, only one works. I talked about this like 2 years ago and at that time I had one working watch, well it went the way of the dodo but I got a new watch for Christmas that does work. I am wearing that one right now. Don't get me wrong- I still wear all the non-working ones, I figure they are more like fashion accessories then time pieces. I don't know what the deal is- why do they die on me? Most people say their watch batteries last a couple of years, at least 5 sometimes. I have yet to own a watch that makes it past the 1 year mark. My old- used-to-work watch made it a year and a couple of days- my longest record by far. I've tried cheap watches, expensive watches, silly watches, you name it- I still kill 'em.
The coolest watch I do have is a wind up watch. I don't count it as one of my working watches because it only works when I wind it up- otherwise it is like all the others. It's pretty neat though- they should make all watches that way, you know- wind up. When I told my mom that she was like "well they used to, duh." I got that watch from my Great Aunt- no it's not an heirloom piece, she got it in the 70's, but it's still pretty sweet. You can see it on the room of the month video we just did, and to the right- its the sparkly silver band that looks like a bracelet. Anyway, when I want to wear it I pull out the little stick on the side, set the time, push that back in then you twist it oh like 10 times and the watch starts ticking away. It lasts all day and it is one watch that I haven't killed because I can't- look ma, no batteries!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Lady Lovely Locks
I have a couple of series on my blog- silly pictures of Travis, amazing videos, and optical illusions, just to name a few. Well I also have a series about my hair- I know, try to hold back your excitment, but ever since I did that student poll on how I should get my hair cut I have just told you about all of my haircuts. I got another one on Thursday. The incredible master hair crafter Lisa came over to my house and cut my hair. I was daring- initially I wanted to cut it all off but I hate trying to grow it out again. My hair was really long and it was annoying me so I opted for a much shorter "long" cut with some cute super short layers around my face. I think it is great! My hair has been growing really fast lately so I am sure I'll need to cut it again in the fairly near future! I know the pictures still look long but trust me- I think we cut off like 6 inches! It feels short to me which is a good thing so I won't just chop it!!
By the way, make sure you leave a comment if you know what "Lady Lovely Locks" is!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sweet sketching
I am ok at drawing- not like anything professional but I can do a bit. But I got this video from my aunt and wow- this guy can draw. Not only is he an incredible artist but he can draw super details all from memory! Check it out!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ok- so truthfully the reason I tried this game was because it is called "Kermix" and I love Kermit- the frog that is. It has nothing to do with frogs- you are a little red square, but it stimulates the brain and does require some hopping so I hope you enjoy! I thought is was fun. Currently I am on level 16- let me know what you think and how you do!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
This is sickinigly cute!
Ok, I can't help it. I got this from my grandma (yes she is hip and does email and surfs the internet). Anyway- this link is so cute you have to check it out. And because it is so cute, I had to bring out other cute pictures- hence all the ridiculously adorable crap that follows:) Not that I am against cute, I just wouldn't say it is my thing. Although whenever I use a noise or imitate a noise to describe something my husband thinks its cute. But I think he is the only one.
Click here to see the cuteness
Click here to see the cuteness
Thursday, February 21, 2008
So this may not seem like a big deal to some of you but it is something that I have been lookng forward to for weeks now- ever since my car hit 90,000 miles. This weekend it finally happened. I was on my way home from second service and was just on my way up the big hill on Twin Oaks Valley. It happened- my odometer went to 99999. So of course I took a picture- I had been carrying my camera around in my car all week so I wouldn't miss the moment- it only happens for one mile! Then I was figured I might as well take a picture when I hit 100,000 miles too, and then 100001 looked neat also so I took a picture of that. I have a silver 2000 Audi A4 that I have owned since June of 2000 back when it had 11 miles on it. Hard to believe that I have now clocked over 100000 miles in my car, in just 8 short years. Anyway, thought I'd share. You'll find find more pictures when I hit 111,111 and it would be really cool if I can get 222,222 out of it- guess I'll find out in another 8 years!
This is it at 99999- click on it and you'll see a bigger image:)
Here it is at 100000, and a picture of me at 100000 and where on the road I was at 100000.
And lastly when I hit 100001. Yes, I am a nerd.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Cat sent me this great clip of 2 people who know how to jitterbug! If you don't know what that is watch this clip- then I challenge you to ask your grandparents or great grandparents if they used to jitterbug back in the day! Anyway- I love dancing and I always enjoy watching talented people perform! So I hope you like it- I want to sign up for dance lessons:)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Winter Camp!!!
Ok- so check out this incredible picture!!!! That is our winter camp right now. All we need is for the temperatures to stay cold and we will have snow there- so fun, I can't wait! Bring a warm coat and some gloves for a huge snowball fight! You can Click Here to view the webcam from the Thousand Pines website.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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