Monday, April 07, 2008

Lady Lovely Locks

I have a couple of series on my blog- silly pictures of Travis, amazing videos, and optical illusions, just to name a few. Well I also have a series about my hair- I know, try to hold back your excitment, but ever since I did that student poll on how I should get my hair cut I have just told you about all of my haircuts. I got another one on Thursday. The incredible master hair crafter Lisa came over to my house and cut my hair. I was daring- initially I wanted to cut it all off but I hate trying to grow it out again. My hair was really long and it was annoying me so I opted for a much shorter "long" cut with some cute super short layers around my face. I think it is great! My hair has been growing really fast lately so I am sure I'll need to cut it again in the fairly near future! I know the pictures still look long but trust me- I think we cut off like 6 inches! It feels short to me which is a good thing so I won't just chop it!!

By the way, make sure you leave a comment if you know what "Lady Lovely Locks" is!!!

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