Thursday, July 24, 2008

Optical Illusions 5

Continuing in this series, I got a sweet email from Jon C. We were on the bus on the way home from Sugarpine I think and somehow we got on the subject of optical illusions. I told them how cool I thought they were and that I have a bunch on my blog and he told me about this email he got. It is a picture of Albert Einstein but if you stand 15 feet away from your computer screen it will look like Marilyn Monroe! If you wear glasses- just take them off as you are sitting in front of your screen- same thing!
Go ahead, try it!

I don't know why or how this works. Do any of you? I mean obviously they have done something to the pic- softened some edges and I wonder if the color has anything to do with it? But I don't understand why it works- and I want to. Tell me your thoughts!

If you haven't seen my other optical illusion blogs make sure that you check them out by clicking on the label "optical illusions" listed below.


Anonymous said...

that is so cool i love checking ali's blog it is funny and awsame.

Anonymous said...
