Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What do you do when people are hurting?

Yesterday we talked about a subject at TNL that allowed a lot of people to share some ways that they are hurting. I feel a couple of things about this. I am so sad that such young people have such hardship in their lives, really heavy burdens that too often they seem to be shouldering alone. Second is amazement of the resiliency of junior highers to continue on in spite of a really tough reality and hope that they will rise above their current situation- and I know that they can. In the midst of experiencing anothers heartache, I often feel at a loss for words, for how to comfort without seeming cliche. I find the answer in Romans 12:15 "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Sometimes all you can do is cry with someone, the only comfort you can offer is "I am here." While this seems like you are doing nothing the truth is you have validated their pain, confirmed for them that they are not crazy or wrong to feel the way they do. Empty condolences offer no real help and while just sharing in their hurt doesn't help in the standard definition of the word would lead you to believe, I think it can help just knowing that you aren't alone. My heart is heavy for these people I talked with yesterday and for those I know have such brokenness but I didn't talk to. I look at the sea of faces and I see so much in them, so much potential, so much joy, so much innocence, and so much pain. I wish I could make it better for them but I know I can't. I know the only one who can help is God, He can work in a heart and a life that may not get better in this lifetime but He promises to make a new life for those who follow Him. He is the only one who can keep you from ever being alone. He is the ultimate Counselor, the Prince of Peace. He is faithful, even when we are not. Those who follow are pulled into His promise, adopted into His family, and has a place in eternity with Him. I have no other comfort then that, knowing this life is not the end but the beginning to our lives with Him for those who know Him. Oh how I wish they all would know Him! I know He wishes that too.

1 comment:

Naomi Merz said...

this is like my life story ppl around me having problems including myself thanks ali for your thoughts and support!