Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Like Junior Highers

Whenever I tell people what I do I get 2 responses- always one or the other and usually both. 1. "Is that full-time?" and 2. "Wow, I could never work with junior highers." I just don't get why so many people don't seem to like the junior high age. I think junior highers are awesome! They still like to have fun and do crazy things, physically their brains have developed to a place where they can reason and start to question and discover on their own (a truly fascinating transformation), and they still think I am cool. What is there not to like?!

Plus they do awesome things like this:

More about the mental state of junior high students: I don't know if you realize what a cool place you are at developmentally. Did you know that before this stage your brain wasn't capable of higher level thinking? Now you have all the connections and neurons in place that actually changes the process of how you think. This is where all the training and guidance your parents and others have given you until this point comes into question: you now are capable of looking at what they have told you, what you have learned and deciding for yourself if it is true. You are smack dab in the middle of changing from a child to an adult. This is the age where you set your moral compass that you will follow and base your decisions on in your high school years. Trust me, it makes you very fun, exciting and important age to work with!

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