Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It is time for a game!!!

I was noticing on my blog that it has been awhile since I had a game up:) I have been checking some out and I found a pretty sweet one. So if you have 15 minutes (I promise it will take no longer) and a calculator- you are set!!! By now I am sure you know how I like point and click- figure it out- puzzle games- I hope you enjoy this one too! When I finished I literally had seconds to go. Let me know how you do!

Click here to play The Package!

hint: for the keypad- the number 15 is good to know.
Let me know if you are stuck

One more thing- sometimes you need to click the refresh button to load the game.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Go Granny Go!

I wonder if this is real? Either way it is funny:)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Electromagnetic Personality Disorder

I have this problem. You see I kill watches. I can't help it, it just happens. There doesn't seem to be much I can do, something in me just zaps the life out of watch batteries.

Seriously- I have maybe 8 watches, only one works. I talked about this like 2 years ago and at that time I had one working watch, well it went the way of the dodo but I got a new watch for Christmas that does work. I am wearing that one right now. Don't get me wrong- I still wear all the non-working ones, I figure they are more like fashion accessories then time pieces. I don't know what the deal is- why do they die on me? Most people say their watch batteries last a couple of years, at least 5 sometimes. I have yet to own a watch that makes it past the 1 year mark. My old- used-to-work watch made it a year and a couple of days- my longest record by far. I've tried cheap watches, expensive watches, silly watches, you name it- I still kill 'em.

The coolest watch I do have is a wind up watch. I don't count it as one of my working watches because it only works when I wind it up- otherwise it is like all the others. It's pretty neat though- they should make all watches that way, you know- wind up. When I told my mom that she was like "well they used to, duh." I got that watch from my Great Aunt- no it's not an heirloom piece, she got it in the 70's, but it's still pretty sweet. You can see it on the room of the month video we just did, and to the right- its the sparkly silver band that looks like a bracelet. Anyway, when I want to wear it I pull out the little stick on the side, set the time, push that back in then you twist it oh like 10 times and the watch starts ticking away. It lasts all day and it is one watch that I haven't killed because I can't- look ma, no batteries!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Lady Lovely Locks

I have a couple of series on my blog- silly pictures of Travis, amazing videos, and optical illusions, just to name a few. Well I also have a series about my hair- I know, try to hold back your excitment, but ever since I did that student poll on how I should get my hair cut I have just told you about all of my haircuts. I got another one on Thursday. The incredible master hair crafter Lisa came over to my house and cut my hair. I was daring- initially I wanted to cut it all off but I hate trying to grow it out again. My hair was really long and it was annoying me so I opted for a much shorter "long" cut with some cute super short layers around my face. I think it is great! My hair has been growing really fast lately so I am sure I'll need to cut it again in the fairly near future! I know the pictures still look long but trust me- I think we cut off like 6 inches! It feels short to me which is a good thing so I won't just chop it!!

By the way, make sure you leave a comment if you know what "Lady Lovely Locks" is!!!