Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veteran's Day

Yesterday was Veterans Day. Most of you had school off because of it. I hope you got a chance to thank a Veteran that day, for giving us the freedom we have. Freedom isn't free and in this politically charged atmosphere too often people seem down on the USA. I don't even mean people in other countries, I'm talking about Americans- where did our national pride go? Hopefully on this day that we remember those who served and fought we can remember that this nation is great because of our many freedoms. The freedoms that allow us to criticize, allow us to worship our God, allow us to live in peace.

My aunt sent me this cool audio clip and I found the youtube video to match. A man tells the story of where the National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, comes from.
Side note- at the end of the video is a push for some guy running for president. Now I am not endorsing him, I don't even know who he is so don't get all in a huff if you don't like him or his party (voting is important and I will vote but I'm not voting now so I don't know who any of the people are really). The rest of the video is about history- which is vital knowledge, a lot of complaints and problems in this country- if people would only look at history I think they would be more patient. Anyway- sorry about the last part, I don't know how to take it out so you'll just have to deal with it.

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