Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mother's day

Mother's day is almost here so make sure you do something nice for your mom. This is a picture of me and my mom from my wedding. My mom is great so I wanted to get her something for Mother's day to show how much I appreciate her. So I did this weekend when I was on vacation:) I remember one Mother's day, I didn't have any money or my dad couldn't take me out or something (too young to drive) so I didn't have a present for her and I felt really bad. So I went out in the yard and picked some of those really long stems that come out of grass if it hasn't been mowed in awhile- you know what I mean? Anyway, I took those and lome petals from a hibiscus flower and made a bracelet and necklace with them. They were lame and cheesey and I felt really bad that that was all I had to give her but my mom made me feel like they were really special and wore them that day and then hung the necklace off of this big decorative hat that hung over her bed for what felt like years. It dried like flowers do and she still kept it- I have a great mom. Anyway here are some pictures of some other moms. Let me know what you think of these pics or tell me about your mom in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Ilove your animal pictures. There're Soooo cute. My little sister loved the one w/ the pigs on the tiger. Actually it was me. Anyways, see you on Tuesday (or Sunday.)

-Cathy Holmes

alisonofagun said...

Sweet Cathy- glad you like 'em:)

Anonymous said...

love the pics!!!