Monday, November 20, 2006

Marine Corps Ball!!!

We got to go to 2 different ones this year! That was great since Jim has been gone the last 2 years and we hadn't been to a ball since 2003! The first one was in Las Vegas at the Tropicana hotel. After the ball we went to see these dueling pianos. People put in requests and the piano guys sing and play back and forth- its really fun and everyone sings along:)

The second ball we went to was at Pechanga in Temecula. The general was at this ball so there was a live marching band and the ceremony was even grander then normal. We had a great time doing dinner and dancing.

Let me tell you a bit about the ball. It is a party celebrating the Marine Corps birthday- the day and year that they came into exisitence. They start by bringing in the flag with a full colorguard. THe play the National Anthem and the Marine Corps Hymm. The flag is then retired (taken to the back of the room and set in a stand and the cake is escorted in. The senior guy there cuts the cake and a piece is given to the guest speaker, then the oldest Marine present and then the youngest. It's all pretty cool. There is a lot of tradition and symbolism in things. Like they set this table for POW's and MIA's and everything on the table means something from the size of the table to the sliced lemons on a dish- very cool stuff:)

Here is my super cool dress that I got on Sale!!!

We had such a great time!

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