That was the slogan of my elementary school's extracurricular fitness program. You would get points for however many laps you ran before and after school and you could turn in your points for stuff- kinda like tickets.
The reason I put this in here is because funner is not a word. Yup, that is right- my school taught me a word that did not exist. Still doesn't- try to look it up- I'll even help you. Go to www.dictionary.com and type in "funner." What did it say? No entries found- that's right "funner" is not a word.
If I made up words I would make up better ones then "funner"- like fandabulous. It means fantastic and fabulous combined as in, "Wow, that movie was fandabulous","Hey, did you try their chilli cheese fries, they're fandabulous!" That word is just one I use regularly. A friend of mine made up "yicky". It's beyond yucky or icky- its yicky. "Eeeeeeewww, Tyler! That fart was yicky!"
The difference between using these words and when people use "funner" is that I know they are not real words where often times it seems that people who use "funner" don't realize that. So remember kiddos- "funner" is not a word!
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