Tuesday, July 12, 2011

White Water

me at whitewater 2010 showing off my sharpie lightsaber tattoos- don't copy me!

I can't believe White Water is almost here. This is the premier event for 8th graders and it will impact you for the rest of your life. Which leads me to ask, why is camp so impactful? Whether it is summer camp, winter camp, at a facility, run on your own, big church, small church, old, young, whatever, what is it about camp that leads it to changing some aspect of your life? Maybe all the time spent together as a church body? The chance to get away from everyday distractions? The purposefullness of spending time with God while you are there? What is that magic, that camp high that people talk about? Hey I am not knocking camps- they are great, you should go, i am just pondering why we have to encourage people to bring their experience "down the mountain." Every camp has to tell its campers not to let the change they made in their lives, in their hearts stay at camp, but rather to bring it home with them. Why is this something that must be addressed? You would think that we take our other experiences with us and they become part of who we are, why must it be reminded about camp? Do we take camp for granted? I don't know, my coffe is wearing off and so is this philosophical mindset I am in, so I will sign off- but what do you think, I would like to hear?