Friday, June 25, 2010

Moving More

I can't believe our church is finally moving. It feels like it has been on the horizon for so long now that een though it is actually here and even now I am kneeling at my computer, that I quickly set up in a temporary location when I heard our servers and internet it available again, looking at blank walls and just everything in pieces and located in a big uhaul outside. I am feeling a lot of things right now. First off, I am feeling very sweaty- yay (said with much sarcasm). I feel a little sad to leave these buildings behind that I have been working in for 10 years. I feel mostly excited about the new property and getting everything set up. Being over there the last several days has been exciting as things are changing literally overnight. I had brought my camera but we were so crazy I didn't even get a chance to take any pictures. I have some that the church staff took of the new property so that is what I have above. I am sure once I stop driving to this campus and show up for work on the weekend I will start feeling a bit more sentimental. As of right now, I don't know what will become of these buildings but it will be interesting to see. Well gotta run- another uhaul load is ready so I gotta go!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Moving Day

I can't believe it is time to move to our new campus! The last few weeks have been spent cleaning and packing. The junior high room looks so crazy right now! Last weekend was the last one we will spend in our old JH room here on the Melrose campus- a little sad. Actually, I am mostly excited because it will be so cool to finally move into our new facitlity. It has been so long in coming! I was cleaning out things in my office and I had an old pictoral directory of the church from 2000. If you wanted, your family could get a picture taken and it would be in the church "phone book". It was cool and kind of ended up being a little bit like a miny yearbook. Anyway, one of the yearbook type pages was about the relocation project- can you believe it! There was info on there about the tent meeting where the project was explained and those meetings were over on the new property a decade ago!!! When I saw that in there I was just shocked that 10 years later we are just now moving in. It feels like it has been so long in coming, and when i saw that info I realized that it has been a really long time! But it is finally here. I wonder what the next 10 years will bring? Only God knows:)

These pictures are from the last weekend service in the JH room. So see all the pictures check out our junior high page and click on the photo album link.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Umm, excuse me? May, where did you go?

Wowee was May crazy! I still can't believe it is over and here we are already a week into June!! Time is a funny thing and my parents were right, it is going faster now then when I was a kid.

So I can't believe we have already said goodbye to our old 8th graders and hello to the new 7th! Always a bittersweet time, it is sad to say goodbye but AWESOME so say hello! So hello:)

Here is a picture of the 8th grade class, next week I think I will have a funny video up, although you may not think it is funny since it is an interesting rendition of of a super sweet 80's, maybe early 90's, tv show. Still it is pretty funny because the guy doing the song is impersonating someone else and he does a great job of it- this part you will know.

Also I have a game coming soon- I have several actually but don't want you to get so overwhelmed that your head a splode! (that is an old strongbad joke btw and in case you are, shall we say, older, then the junior high generation, btw means "by the way" although you probably got the strongbad reference)

So keep checking in, I will be better about updating at least once a week, rarely do I do more then that but I will do my best to get back on some sort of consistent basis.

Talk to you soon!