Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I REALLY need your input- ONLINE SURVEY

Ladies, ladies- I know it feels like our move to the new building is a long way off, HOWEVER, we are starting to get things in order NOW. This means I need your input ASAP! Please let me know what video games you would like to see in the new junior high room!!! As of right now we are losing some MarioKart so if that is your fav- you need to let me know!!!

Remember, you do not have to login or be a member or anything to leave a comment- just sign in anonymously- please tell me who you are in your message though:) What would you like to play? Ooohhh- One more thing- I moderate my comments so you might not see yours up right away, just FYI:P

Thanks gals!!!

In other news- I got to go over to the new property today and it was very exciting to see the buildings. Most things are just framed but some have dry wall already and buildings are definitely beginning to take shape:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I need your input

To all the ladies out there, I need to know what you think. Video games- I like video games and I know a lot of you out there do too. Here is my question for you- what kind do you like? Currently in our Junior High Room we have Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Guitar Hero and kinda Rock Band- I say kinda because the drums are broken. What games would you like to see in there? It would be for PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii systems. Please leave a comment telling me what games you like to play (even if it is one I already listed because if people don't like one maybe we'll get rid of it), what system it is available on, and what about it do you like. I would really appreciate it. You don't have to be a blogger to leave a comment- just do the Anonymous one, but please leave your name in your message so I know who you are:)

Personally I really like computer games-actually I guess I like them all, I just don't really have a system to play on at home so I play online all the time- in fact I have one for you today. If you are an artist- a true artist, you might not like this one, if you want to be an artist but aren't creative at all you probably will like this. It is called Copy Cat and is pretty fun. You have to copy the art on the right onto your own canvas. Really it is more about figuring out how to mix colors then art but I found it addicting. I got stuck at level 24 I think it was- bummer. The picture today is courtsey of a true artist- Marikate Dougan!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Did you know?

That Tournament Series will soon be upon us? It is so exciting and such a great opportunity to invite every single 7th and 8th grader you know to come to church!!! This year the theme is . . . Ha ha ha- did you think I would actually tell you!?! You should know better- you can't know the theme until the pep rally on Sept 29. Then we will reveal the theme and the teams to you. I will tell you this- it is incredible. In fact I will give you a hint.

Here it is:

Find out more on the 29th!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Oh the Things You Can Think

I know my blog is called "al's thoughts of the day" but I don't always have thoughts on here. Sometimes I have games or random pictures. I was thinking about that today as I was thinking of some thoughts for my blog. And honestly the first thing that came to my mind was the book "Oh the Things You Can Think" by Dr. Seuss. That got me thinking about Dr. Seuss books and how much I liked them as a kid. The Cat in the Hat wasn't my favorite but I love the Grinch. There is also this cool story about these bird things and some have stars on their bellies and some don't and how they were being prejudiced against the different star bellies and things would go back and forth- sometimes stars were cool and sometimes they weren't till the end where they agreed it didn't matter. If you know the title of that one- let em know please. i seriously haven't read it since I was like 9. I also liked "I Can See with My Eyes Shut"- it was funny. Anyway, thinking about Dr, Seuss got me thinking about my college, UCSD, because our library there is named after him. It is called Geisel Library because that is Dr. Seuss' real last name. It is a super sweet library, it was designed to look like a tree. There is a picture of it below. It is in commercials a lot (not as a library, but playing the part of other buildings because it is so interesting architecturally). There is a little museum inside to Geisel with some first edition Dr. Seuss books and stuff like that. Thinking about the library got me thinking about the smell of libraries. It doesn't work in newer libraries- it takes at least 10 years for the smell to permeate the building and then only if the library contains a lot of books at least 20 years old. The library smell is a combo of aged paper and leather, with a little bit of musty-ness thrown in on top. I love the smell of libraries. Just thinking about it makes me want to go to one now. But the one closest to my house is fairly new and doesn't really have the smell, so then I was thinking I should go down to UCSD and visit- it is a great campus to walk around, so many interesting things to see. Thinking of UCSD makes me think of how I want to walk down the walkway that looks like a giant snake again- it is cool, and the other neat things there- Virtues and Vices lights, the silent tree, the singing tree, the test columns-turned-art, the ocean view- oooh and the new campus I haven't seen yet!

So there you go- not just a thought of the day but my train of thoughts for the last couple of minutes. Enjoy:)