I have a confession to make: I have probably watched Star Wars at least 100 times. Now I am talking about the original series- episodes 4, 5 & 6. Don't even get me started on 1, 2 & 3 because they completely goofed them up although I have to admit the lightsabre battle in Episode 1 between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon is one of the best movie sword fights I have ever seen. The final battle between Obi Wan and Annakin in Episode 3 wasn't bad either but really those were the only redeemining parts of those movies.
No- it is the original series that is so incredible. Everything about them is cool- the special effects are sweet even though they are old, you can't help but love the characters, the music is outstanding and the story itself is that classic motif of good versus evil- they are just great!!! I have to say that Episode 5 is my favorite, it has the best character development asd some of the best lines, for example: "Laugh it up Fuzzball", "I'd sooner kiss a wookie." and who can forget "I love you" "I know" and "Luke, I am your father." Sweet stuff. I am a little disappointed that only the special editions are available on DVD- I have been waiting and waitng for them to come out on DVD and when they did I was a little bummed they were the original original. I am of with upgrading the sound and fixing up some of the special effects. I don't like all the unneccessary extra scences and they really blew it in Episode 4 when they have the storm troppers searching Tattooine on those lizard beast- the Empire is not organic and would never use an animal when a machine could do it- didn't they ever watch the movies! Also I don't really care for how they added the super young Annakin at the end of 6, it doesn't really make sense because Obi Wan doesn't look like Ewan McGregor. I know the argument is that he reverted back to his "true" self, before he became Darth Vader and I think that is a somewhat valid arguement, I might be biased because I didn't like the acting job of Christian whatever his name is in 2 & 3.
So if you have never seen the original movies they really are worth it- it is quite an experience:) I remeber the first time I saw them. For me it was on TV because I was too young or not alive yet to see them in the theaters. But for their 30th anniversary they rereleased them in the theater- I was so excited to go experience them there and it was incredible. I still have my movie stubs. And I was a midnight show goer for the release of Episode 1- didn't for 2 & 3, just because I was so excited that we would get the back story to some of my all time favorite movies. Now I know they messed that up but the originals still stand the test of time:)