I like Turkey- Thanksgiving has the best food I think, of the traditional holiday fare. In fact what I really loved is stuffing- but it has to be stuffing that was cooked in the turkey. All stuffing is good but in the turkey stuffing is so much better:) I also love yams. Not to be confused with sweet potatoes, although those are good too, yams are the ones that are orange. I loved them steamed but probably mashed is my favorite. Mashed with cinnamon- ummm ummm good! My husband just got the recipe for yam casserole or something I forget what it is called but you mash the yams put them in 9x13 dish with pecans and some other ingredient that sounds absolutely delicious but I can't think of right now, then you bake them in the oven. It is going to be like a sweet potato/pecan pie casserole of goodness. Yum yum! So enjoy your Turkey Day and let me know what you are thankful for in the comments section. You dont' have to have a blog- just choose the "anonymous" one- type your name at the end though so I know who you are. I moderate my comments so it won't appear for a couple of days until I get a chance to check it:)
See you later!