Thursday, November 20, 2008


I like Turkey- Thanksgiving has the best food I think, of the traditional holiday fare. In fact what I really loved is stuffing- but it has to be stuffing that was cooked in the turkey. All stuffing is good but in the turkey stuffing is so much better:) I also love yams. Not to be confused with sweet potatoes, although those are good too, yams are the ones that are orange. I loved them steamed but probably mashed is my favorite. Mashed with cinnamon- ummm ummm good! My husband just got the recipe for yam casserole or something I forget what it is called but you mash the yams put them in 9x13 dish with pecans and some other ingredient that sounds absolutely delicious but I can't think of right now, then you bake them in the oven. It is going to be like a sweet potato/pecan pie casserole of goodness. Yum yum! So enjoy your Turkey Day and let me know what you are thankful for in the comments section. You dont' have to have a blog- just choose the "anonymous" one- type your name at the end though so I know who you are. I moderate my comments so it won't appear for a couple of days until I get a chance to check it:)

See you later!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


My husband was born and raised in Steeler Country, Pittsburgh, PA. For the longest time I didn't realize there was a "h" at the end of Pittsburgh- it is silent. For Thanksgiving we are going out to visit his family out there- should be super fun except for the fact that it is freezing. It is supposed to be in the 20's when we arrive and during the week it is supposed to warm all the way up to the toasty temperature of 34! Ordinarily this wouldn't be that bad- I mean it is back east and it snows there. The problem is that it is so hot here! We will be going from shorts and flip flops to down jackets, beanies and woolen mittens! There is like a 50 degree differential!!! I am going to freeze!! Hopefully when I get back I will still have all my toes.

This is from Christmas time last year in the " 'Burgh"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I have a problem

I must admit I have a serious problem with chocolate. I love it- I crave it- I am addicted. I have the same problem with cookies- it is worse actually with cookies, sometimes I can resist chocolate, but I have a much harder resisting cookies. Anyway, so we have Mounds in our office right now. It always makes me think of the catchy little jingle, "Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't" and "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." So Niki has a bag of Mounds in her desk. Unfortunately I am also aware of the fact that Niki has Mounds in her desk. They are delicious. I always think- oh I'll just have one- never happens. I don't think I ever eat just one. I was getting ready for TNL tonight and in the process of preparing my opener, I ate 3. Plus I had one earlier today as well. I just get sick if I eat too much candy but they are so good I feel my defenses weakening even now. Actually I am begining to feel sick so I will probably be able to resist for at least another hour or so. I have an awful memory so I am hoping that soon I will completely forget that they are even in her drawer. They aren't even my favorite candy! I would tell you what my favorite candy is but I am afraid in all of your kindness and good intentions you may bring me some and I would have to eat them- probably all at once, and I just can't let that happen:) I repeat- Mounds are not my favorite candy- please don't give me any!!!