Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I know pretty much all of you students are too young to remember the advent of video games (the ones you could have inside your home and not have to go to the arcade) but for those of us that do, check out this sweet video!

Randomly I came across this video as I was searching for images to create a link for our newest video for the JH page and I just thought this was so cool! I was never super into Tetrus (I like Dr. Mario better) but this was pretty stinkin creative. Back in the time of complete 2D graphics with everything basically looking like a block. I still have my original Nintendo complete with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt, 2 controllers and the grey gun- before they switched it to red. I even have the game genie:) It is somewhere at my parents house but I should dig it out because I had a good number of games and it is still fun to play even though it doesn't hold a candle to what technology is capable of now. There was something kinda crazy about only a few kids on the whole block that had a video game system. Everyone would hang out there and you would hope to get a chance to take a turn playing something. Anyway- I hope you thought the video was cool:)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Number 111

This is my one hundred and eleventh post! 111! Pretty neato I think:) Anyway I got this cute story from my gram. It is called "The Kiss"- click here to check it out!

After you read it, let me know what you think! Sign in and leave a comment if you have a blogger account, if you don't you can leave an anonymous one (just make sure you leave your name somewhere in your message so I know who you are). Comments don't appear right away- I have to release them, but I would love to hear from you and it will appear on my blog!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Another Another Cool Dog

My husband's boss has a sweet dog. He is a boxer I think and they have kiddos so their backyard has this house-like playstructure and a trampoline. So the dog plays on all this stuff. He has this pattern that he runs and climbs over things, up over the roof of the play stucture and in general is kinda crazy.

Here is a video of another cool dog, another series of mine, click on the labels at he bottom to find the other one. I guess I have really nothing else to say except dogs are cool:)