Thursday, March 29, 2007

Relaxing fun

This game is so soothing! Ok, I know I have put up a lot of games lately but if you played poke the bunny you realize that it isn't really a game but a joke. Therefore it doesn't count:) This game though, is pretty cool. I like it because the music is very soothing and all the colors are neato, plus it is challenging. Ok, so here is what you do: You try to find the best spot to click on to create larger and larger chain reactions of explosions- not fire explosions but color explosions. Each round you are given a number of chain reactions you have to create and the number of dots in play. Now you only have one click so you have to time it right so you get all the reactions that you need. You should check it out, its sweet.

btw- it is called Boomshine- the only uncool thing about the game

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

poke the bunny

Since Easter is coming up soon I thought I would have a fun little bunny game. Check it out and see what happens when you poke the bunny:)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In honor. . .

. . of Travis and Kirk's birthdays (both on Mar.16) I have decided, in the most magnanimous (look it up) and humble spirit, to allow their faces to grace the pages of my blog. I know I know, 'tis a high and lofty honor to have your countenance appear on these hallowed pages, however, Travis a Kirk are most worthy. So Happy Birthday!