For me, I thought it would be cool if I could do a handstand. I was in college and helped out in JH and I thought it would be neat if I could just drop down into a handtand at TNL one night and walk around on my hands. I can't do a handstand. So I decide to practice against a wall so I can figure it out. While I am upsidedown against this wall in my parents house watching Jeopardy, I start to lose my balance and kick my legs out to gain it back. Well I kick the solid oak clock with a pendulum and chimes off the wall. Thinking, "oh great, I broke the clock," I suddenly realized that my finger hurt. I looked at my hand and screamed in pain because I completly broke my right hand ring finger in half. And the ring I was wearing was now smashed flat inbetween my 2 bone pieces.
Well it is a long and crazy story of what all happened that night but needless to say I needed surgery to put my finger back together. I had 2 pins in there- it was crazy, all for a handstand.
Do you have a story of where you did something silly and others totally found out? Tell me your story!! I can't wait to hear about it!