Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I can't resist the cuteness

So my husband is allergic to cats so I will never have oen but these pictures are so stinkin cute!!! Plus have just pictures of cats means no fuss and no mess:)

Eventually we do want a dog though. Right now we are in an aparatment so no pets but hopefully we'll get into a house soon. We figured we should start witha dog before we think about children- ha!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Hair is Cut!!!

Thank you all so much for participating in my forever quest of a new haircut. The deed is done. This morning our very own Lisa Horstman cut my hair in the Kate Beckinsale style. This cut got a lot of votes in the poll. The poll winner was actually Paula's haircut but Niki and my sister both voted for Kate's hair and their votes count super double. So thanks for all your help in this long decision process:) If you click on the "hair" or "student poll" labels you can see the whole process.

Here is my new do:

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blogged out

So I just updated to the new version of Blogger and now you can add tabs to all your posts so you and others can seach by genre or whatever to find different posts that are related under a category. I think I spent about an hour categorizing all my past blogs. So I don't feel very bloggy today. You know when you stare at a computer so long that your eyes dry out and get all red and stuff- that is me. No fun. That's all I got this week- a whole lotta nothing. Sorry- check back next week.

Oh great- I was looking up a picture to put with this blog and I found the one I used along with this article "Research conducted on 10,000 Japanese employees suggests a link between the length of time spent using a computer and the development of glaucoma, a relatively common eye disease that develops very slowly, characterized by progressive sight defects or visual field abnormalities over time."


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Scary Santa!!!

It seems like every Christmas I go through a mall or any place where children may gather , there is always a huge line to see Santa. Ok- so I understand that kiddos want to make sure he knows what they want for Christmas, the thing that is funny to me is that not everyone is happy to see Santa. For every happy, smiley-faced child that comes to see Santa, it seems there is an unhappy one- a very vocally unhappy child. But it never fails that every year parents will bring their child to see Santa and get that perfect picture that will get sent out in the family Christmas card. Helplessly they stand by and watch their sweet little cherub of a child turn into a wailing, screaming baby at the first sight of that white beard and red suit. What is so scary about Santa? Here are some funny pics of kids who are scared of Santa (and one of me and some friends who of course had to get a picture with Santa at Disneyland- hence the crowns. Some people never grow up:)