So I just updated to the new version of Blogger and now you can add tabs to all your posts so you and others can seach by genre or whatever to find different posts that are related under a category. I think I spent about an hour categorizing all my past blogs. So I don't feel very bloggy today. You know when you stare at a computer so long that your eyes dry out and get all red and stuff- that is me. No fun. That's all I got this week- a whole lotta nothing. Sorry- check back next week.
Oh great- I was looking up a picture to put with this blog and I found the one I used along with this article "Research conducted on 10,000 Japanese employees suggests a link between the length of time spent using a computer and the development of glaucoma, a relatively common eye disease that develops very slowly, characterized by progressive sight defects or visual field abnormalities over time."