Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Student Poll

Ok ya'll- I need some help. I can't decide how or if I should cut my hair. I am thinking I like Paula Abdul's hair- not the short little pixie thing she had going on but the longer style with the layers? Know what I am talking about? Anyway- what do you think- should I go for that cut, leave my hair the way it is (I have layers now but its more towards the end of my hair), or let it grow really long and get rid of the layers? Leave a comment and let me know!!! Thanks!

Here is a picture of my hair currently:

Travis part 3

Well I have a couple of series that go on throughout my blog- optical illusions, peanut butter and funny pictures of Travis. We all love Travis- he is a wonderful boss, but he is also a silly guy. This picture is actuallya video clip if I can get it to work. Niki showed it on the weekend for her talk. We were playing Sharks and Minnows where the person in the middle or "shark" has to keep his or her eyes shut and everyone else has to try to swim across the pool or in this case spool, without getting caught.

What is funny about this is that there is no one in the pool but Travis. It was the last round and it took forever for Trav to finally get caught so he would have to be it. So we decided to pull a little prank on him and the rest of us got out of the pool. So he is jumping and splashing around trying to tag us but there is no one in there. Just watch- it's pretty funny. He finally opened his eyesand was like "you guys" but he knows it was all in fun:)

For old funny pictures of Trav check out the June blogs and the November blogs in to the left.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Optical Illusions, part deux

I love Optical Illusions- they are so cool!!! I actually wrote a blog about them before (part 1), you can check it out if you like under my June blogs. Anyway, I have some new ones that are pretty nifty. Have fun twisting and tweaking your sense of reality. Just goes to show you can't always trust you eyes!

If you take a look at the following picture , it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it. You can see the illusion better if you click on the image to make it larger:)

Are the purple lines straight or curved?

Click on this one to make it larger as well- works better!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Coolest Dog Ever!!!

I love the pups!!! Probably because they love you no matter what. They are so excited to see you when you come home. They get stoked just when you say their name and tell them what a good doggie they are. Even when they do something bad and you have to yell at them, all they want to do is win back your approval. Dogs are great! Check out this clip of an awesome pooch!!! Sometimes it takes a bit to load so be PATIENT!!! Click on the play arrow at the bottom of the screen (not the one in the middle) and then just wait for the video to start:)