I can't stand having dirty feet. I mean I can put up with it for awhile and I enjoy dirty activities- like mud day at Camp Sugarpine, but I don't like my feet to stay that way. In fact I can't sleep if my feet are dirty. There is just something that drives me nuts about even the thought of sticking dirty feet under the sheets- ugh! At Whitewater I would have my wet wipes right by my bed so that at night, when I was ready to get in my sleeping bag I could sit on my bed and wipe my feet down pretty well before sticking them in bed. At home even, if I feel my feet are dirty I will stick them in the sink and wash them off. I've been told it is kinda a funny sight, me standing at the sink washing first one foot then the other. But oh, as that water and soap runs over my foot taking off all the dirt and grime from walking around a dirty environment, it feels just heavenly and I can sleep in peace.