Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Where did June go?

Wow- I can't believe that the 4th of July is a week away! That is insane! I am still trying to get into the summer mindset- I mean summer is here. In a few short weeks we will be leaving for summer camp and then before you know it, the summer will be over. Summer always goes by so quickly it seems.

I just wanted to throw the eagle picture in my blog because I think it is really cool and really patriotic for the fourth.

This other picture I will have to explain. First, we had mild thunderstorms today after an insanely hot weekend. What is up with the weather!?! The thing that is driving me nuts is that I don't know because I don't have the weather channel anymore. Yes, I know, I am a geek- I love the weather channel. (to find out more about the weather channel check my November blogs) In fact I don't have cable at all right now and what I miss the most isn't saturday morning cartoons or CSI, it is the weather channel. Pathetic. Anyway this is a cool shot of some crazy weather so there it is.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Optical Illusions Part 1

I love optical illusions. I find it so fascinating and such a good reminder that we can't always trust our eyes. These few pics I have today are just a couple of the optical illusions that I have. I find these sidewalk painting to be really fun though. You see it is all a matter of perspective.

Life is so often like that. As Christians we get angry, feel hurt, or are afraid of what other people say they believe. We shouldn't though. We have the truth of the Bible which we can look through to then see truth. We don't have to be afraid or angry about things that come up in our culture. We just need to realize that people who aren't Christians don't see things the same as us. They can't. Until they accept Jesus into their lives they have spiritual blinders on as it were. We see things with Jesus, they have to look at the world without Him inside of them. They will have a very different perspective. I'm not saying we should keep this an "us vs. them" sort of thing, no way! God wants everyone to see things in the light of His truth. I'm saying that we as Christians don't have to be afraid of what others say and we need to be patient with people who don't know the truth- they can't see God's truth because their perspective if off- like looking at one of these pictures sideways. Becasue it really is all a matter of perspective.

Monday, June 05, 2006

It's Time!!!!

I was thinking earlier today- you know, it has been awhile since we have had a silly picture of Travis (I'm sure you all were thinking the same thing- for the other silly picture look in the November blogs). So without further ado, here is our wonderful JH pastor looking rather silly:)